Saturday, August 1, 2015

Eastern Pennsylvannia

  Randy and I were sorry to see Bennington, Vermont in our rear view mirror. Despite having to be there for financial business, we really enjoyed our stay. Because Randy has his first assignment in Ohio in less than a week, we left Vermont to travel eastward. 
  Our first stop from Vermont was in Eastern Pennsylvania. We arrived on a weekend and it was a very full state park that I had reserved online before arriving. Somehow (probably operator error), I managed to reserve a site that didn't allow pets. The person checking us in went above and beyond her duties to help us find a spot at The Promised Land State Park about 30 minutes down the road.  It was a very large park with 3 different campgrounds, but to make a long story short, we could not find a site large enough for the Tin Zen Den that allowed pets AND had electricity to run the air conditioning for the bull dog.  We finally found a site that was in the primitive camping area with tent campers and the TZD seemed to attract a lot of attention there. I heard a parent explaining to his little boy that some people like to camp in RVs instead of tents.  I wanted to tell the little boy and his dad that the Airstream is our full time home and that we choose to live in it instead of a conventional house.  I hope that we didn't come off as being too soft to tent camp, but I am afraid  that's exactly what it looked folk unable to really "rough it".  It was an adequate site but we moved on to Penn Wood the next day.
  Overall, these two state parks had campsites that were very close together with little or no privacy. It was like staying in a parking lot surrounded by woods.  Pennsylvania has won awards recently for its outstanding camping areas but we were not impressed this time.  On a positive note, the bathrooms and showers were very modern and clean.  These eastern state parks were in contrast to Little Buffalo State Park which we had stayed at on our journey toward Maine.  Oh well, not all parks within a state should be expected to be equal in caliber.

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